Friday, October 17, 2008

October 17, 2008

Blah, Blah, Blah
acrylic on hemp and organic cotton
38" x 38"

Yesterday for no apparent reason I decided to write a somewhat scathing comment on another person's blog. This was unprovoked except that when I originally read the post something inside me felt it necessary to share my truth and "set things straight".

In 2007 I painted "Blah, Blah, Blah" which I felt encapsulated how I was relating to the world concerning recently switching over to a vegan lifestyle. Behind the protagonist there are two people-one reacting with their head exploding and the other not reacting (or listening) at all. This is usually the case when someone sermonizes and I expect that the blogger will received my comments in exactly that way.

Peace Always



Marina said...

I reacted in such a strong way because you-a stranger-came onto my blog, made certain (false) assumptions about me, and did so in an accusatory tone. This is exactly what I was talking about when I referred to the vegetarian community being insular. If a person chooses a vegetarian diet, certain members of the community are the first to extend the hand of welcoming support, but those same members are the ones that become accusatory and rude when a person decides to listen to their body and follow where it leads. I've never been a vegan, but I managed to stick to a vegetarian lifestyle for six years (I did my math wrong when I wrote that blog), which would be five years longer than you've been a vegan, if you made the switch straight from meat to that in 2007. If you want to encourage people to see your point of view, I suggest that you pay them the respect of treating them with equity.

Sharon Lee said...

Personally it is fine if people don't agree with my point of view I had no expectations that you would do otherwise as I pretty much felt you had already made your mind up.

As far as you win because you were a vegetarian longer than I was a vegan nawwwww. I became vegetartian in 1980 vegan two years ago-Sorry you can't use that arguement. try agin