Friday, December 5, 2008

December 5, 2008

Often I question the label "artist" I place on myself for no other reason that every minute of every day I am not sitting in front of my easel cranking out paintings. And there are many reasons for me that this is not possible. One: I have to supplement my income through freelancing, selling yoga props, cleaning apartments, making camera equipment deliveries, etc. basically anything, within reason, that will help pay my bills. Other reasons include costs of art supplies, keeping art fresh, physical challenge of sitting or standing for hours and lastly other interests. Among the interests I have also expressions of creativity are: sewing, photography, knitting, gardening and cooking.

I have been cooking since I was about 12 years old. Because my mother worked until 4:30 or 5pm it was my responsibility to get supper started. This was particularly difficult as I wanted to experiment with food preparation and presentation and my family liked things "plain and simple". I remember more than once my sister exclaiming, "Why can't you just make things regular!" Fortunately other people have come into my life who appreciate my creativity in the kitchen and are quite pleased to eat the results.

About a week before Thanksgiving my $10 food processor broke unexpectedly. I've had it for at least five years and accepted my loss with grace. There were challenges preparing the Thanksgiving meal without the processor and some recipes that simply could not be made (blender had broke a few weeks earlier and I don't own a mixer.) ***Last week I decided to make the plunge and get a replacement so I could create without restriction (other than dietary ones) for the upcoming holidays. Looking through the "Compassionate Cooks" website I was able to link to a recommended 12 cup Kitchen Aid Processor. This sold for a little over $200. I found the same machine refurbished for $139 made my purchase and a few days it arrived. What a dream! I had saved up 1/2 of a buttercup squash and some yams from Thanksgiving and immediately set to work making a squash pie. The dough attachment made a crust in minutes and once processed the squash and yam had a great consistency. Next beasts to tackle are humus, sunflower seed pate and tofu cheesecake over the next few days. And as one always feels when they have procured the right tool for the job what a joy!

Peace Always
