Monday, January 19, 2009

January 19, 2009

Just Another Fact of Life
acrylic on wood
20" x 22"

One of the fun things about being in school is projects. as a kid I always loved projects. While others would be dismayed I always like the challenge of a presentation. In my environmental science we need to write down all our possessions. Not an easy task. I have yet to tally the final room (root cellar) but I have found some interesting things from this project. First off I live in a relatively small house frugally. I have not moved in 22 years. Keep this in mind as you look over some of the numbers

books 293
bowls 21
plastic buckets 10
CD 425
chair 19
clothes hangers 67
clothespins 104
cooking utensils 27
curtains 63
drill bits 37
hair bands 21
kerchiefs 23
magazine 87
magnets 33
pants 44
shirts 133

lots more stuff for a total of 8281 things in my house


Peace Always


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