Monday, August 11, 2008

August 11, 2008

Today was my daughter's 19th birthday. This year's presents included Penn State clothing, red toaster, red blender, weekend trip to Pittsburgh and a day at a local spa. We had some nice together time which I enjoyed as I haven't seen her but coming and going all summer. In two weeks she's moving into her first apartment (12 minutes away).

Last year I painted H.B. Birthday to commemorate her 18th birthday. It is made of three small canvasses framed together, each canvas telling the story of a stage in her life: nursing-baby years, Meagan dancing in her ballerina tutu and my version of me and her shopping at Urban Outfitters.

Meagan has been a subject in many of my paintings and it's like looking at a photo album for me to see the stages of her life represented on canvas.

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